Safe Martin Electrical Repairs
Factors like age and frequent use can damage your house’s electrical system. This damage can lead to numerous problems, such as flickering or dimming lights. Lights that flicker or dim can also occur because of overloaded circuits or faulty wiring.
Likewise, overloaded circuits and short-circuiting can cause the breakers in your home to trip frequently. Overheated or faulty wiring contributes to burning smells and makes outlet covers feel hot to the touch. The outlets could even spark or smoke, indicating an immediate need for you to hire one of our electricians in Martin to repair the damaged wiring.
Buzzing or crackling noises commonly occur because of loose wiring. When you hear these noises, you need to act quickly to find out what causes them. You can also hire one of our electricians at E&W Electrical Solutions to repair the underlying cause for you.